Tuesday, April 28, 2020


The souls we connect to in our lives. Boris, my cat, was one of my soulmates in this life. I went to pick out a kitten from a litter and he ran ahead of his seven siblings and climbed my leg. Done. He picked me. Every cat has a unique personality. Boris was a clown. He was goofy, loveable, sweet, and funny. He slept every night right on my chest. He knew our footsteps and the sound of Simon's car and would trot down the sidewalk by our side. 

I started to notice that he was having difficulty jumping up on his little bench or the bed. I mentioned it to Simon who said he was just a clutz, true but this was different. Maybe because I grew up on a small farm my intuition about animals is sharper, but I knew something wasn't right. A short time later, from one day to the next he was really off and looked different - grey and drawn. We brought him to Angel Memorial and they did an MRI and found a massive tumor in his intestines. The Cancer was too far advanced to treat and would not extend his life for very long or in a joyful way for him. Worst day of our lives, we had to let him go - in our arms the whole way.

He is always with me - time doesn't change the love I have for him. Some people get frustrated and annoyed about our depth of feelings for this cat - "just a cat" came out of someone I used to work with. This cat was one of my greatest loves of my life. A pure, uncomplicated love.

Yesterday I decided to try to paint him - I put the little painting next to my bed and when I woke up today it was a little bit having him back. The eyes were his. 

Miss and love you, Boris forever and ever.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. coming back to this, and it made me think how someone close to me asked me if everything was back to normal a couple weeks after physically losing Cooper. how could life resume normally after physically losing my soul mate? I’m not sure how I maintained my composure in response.

    I’ve read and listened to Nora McInerny - much sooner than this experience - solely because I think grief work and an empathetic understanding of the human experience is so vitally important. but anyways I wanted to link this here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh3-tyV0azU

  3. Thank you for sharing the Nora McInerny video - I'm going to check it out now.

    I understand. When people don't it's crushing. The grief of losing Boris was made more desolate by not being allowed to grieve him by that person, who I thought was a close friend.

    Take care xo


Rescue me

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