Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What did you say??!!

I can't hear you... I'm not kidding. Since Sunday I have no hearing from my left ear.  It is extremely distressing. I keep hoping it will pop and be fine, but it's not. It feels like someone is squeezing my eardrum. I had a phone appointment with my doctor - she thinks this is my autoimmune disorder creating inflammation in my ear canal, cutting off the normal function. We agreed to "wait and see" if there is improvement before bringing me in. I really don't want to go to MGH right now.

Losing hearing on one side causes a lot of disorientation and balance issues. I really struggled on a trail hike on terrain that is normally not a problem. Today I opted for my bike trainer and a kitchen day making black beans with garlic, red onion, cumin, red bell pepper, red chili pepper, jalapenos, and a pot of Orzo - yum. 

On the bright side, another woman from the Maine barn has asked me to paint five 5" x 5" paintings for her - one horse and four dogs. I love that size, and this is a commission that will keep me busy for the coming weeks. She asked me after she saw the painting of Karma I just finished. I am so honored to have this opportunity - she wants to put the paintings in her own pottery studio. Another artist asking me to do this is really quite a feeling. I had hoped I would have more web design work, but here I am using my hands and real materials. I always wished I had a trade, maybe I'm getting one. I'm trying to think up a clever name to call my fledgling artwork, maybe that's it? Fledgling Artwork. Suggestions welcome!

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