Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I miss my friend. It is going on 5 months that we have been separated. I thought I was doing the best thing for her to send her South for the winter with our trainer. I worried with my demanding job and bad weather I wouldn't be able to get to her. Turns out sending your horse South with your trainer is for rich people who can also go South for the winter and still see your horse. For me, I have woken up from dreams about her with tears in my eyes almost every day. 

She's back - they arrived almost two weeks ago, but with the quarantine, no one is allowed to visit. Our trainer indicated they were trying to sort out a way to allow visits, but every day there is no news. Nothing. No pictures, no updates, just radio silence. I have had panic attacks, long silent stares at the ceiling, crying multiple times a day. This is traumatic. I know she is okay, but the thing I value the most is our relationship. Ten years I have given this animal love and attention and now she doesn't think I'll ever come back. It breaks my heart that this doted on animal has a vacuum of the person who promised her she would always be taken care of and loved. 

Most horse professionals scoff at the notion horses feel this level of connection to us, but I disagree - they are just not paying attention. 

I want to find a place to keep her close, with other horses, with a field and a natural life. I don't care if I never ride her again - I just want her back.

Please let me see her.

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